VncSharpWpf - VNC Client User Control for WPF

Based on VncSharp which is created by Windows From, I made VncSharp - VNC Client User Control for WPF.


Content of the zip file

  • VncSharpWpf.sln : Solution File.
  • VncSharpWPF : the Project which creates VncSharpWpf.dll - the dll of VNC Client User Control.
  • VncSharpWPF_Example : the sample appication which uses VncSharpWpf.

How to use

Step1. Build the Project "VncSharpWPF", and VncSharpWPF.dll is created.
Step2. Add VncSharpWPF.dll to the reference of your WPF project.
Step3. Create a instance of Class "VncSharpWPF.RemoteDesktopWpf", and deploy the instance where you want.

Case: Connect to VNC Server
Step4. Call method "Connect" to connect to VNC Server.
Step5. Call method "Disconnect" to disconnect a session.

Case: Wait for a connection from VNC Server
Step4. Call method "Listen" to start to wait a connection from VNC Server.
Step5. Method "StopListen" can stop waiting a connection.
Step6. After connected from VNC Server, You can disconnect a session by Method "Disconnect".


  • Compared to VncSharp, rendering speed is slow.
  • An enough test is not made because I developed VncSharpWpf with only one PC.